Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What a bore

The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)

What is it?
The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) [EAB] is an invasive green beetle species native to Asia. It was accidentally introduced to the United States in the 1990s. This insect has killed about 100 million ash trees throughout North American and threatens the remaining ones. It causes an estimated $3.5 billion in damages each year.

A female ash borer will typically lay 100 eggs. 56% of these eggs will be female; multiplying the population x50 each year (in 10 years one insect turns into 50 trillion!).  It is the larvae that then bore through the trees, eventually killing them. 

So what can be done?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture will be conducting a 2013 Emerald Ash Survey ( You can view a factsheet about this survey at the APHIS website here.  This survey will use “computer generated risk-based sample design to monitor EAB infestations and determine whether undetected pockets of incursion are present” (USDA, 2013).

Survey strategy:
The purple trap is a detection tool used for EAB monitoring. Research has found that EABs are attracted to the color purple, red and green. These “traps” are sticky and beetles that fly onto them become stuck (like a fly trap). These traps do not help deplete populations of EABs, they are merely a detection tool.

The USDA, along with their partners will place 10,000 traps within a 100 mile buffer surrounding  known infested areas. This will help define the edge of the infestation; which will offer better mitigation and biological control.  In addition, another 10,000 traps will be distributed in a wider area at lower densities to target at risk sites; to monitor any new establishments of EABs.

The United States has 16 native species of ash trees and they are all EAB hosts (USDA, 2013).

Here is a link to images of the EAB lifecycle.

Distribution map of the emerald ash borer



Thursday, March 21, 2013

What goes around, comes around.

Nutrient cycling and wetlands.  

One main ecosystem service that benefits all forms of life is nutrient cycling. Nutrient cycling is a biogeochemical process (i.e. those that involve biological, geological and chemical pathways) and is the basis for all life on earth; as well as being the basic requirement of the producers [i.e. organisms and plants that convert energy from the sun into food] (Beldin & Perakis, 2009). The biosphere is essentially a closed system which recycles these nutrients between the environment and living organisms (Thinkquest, 2012). 

There is a constant natural cycle of these chemical elements. “The nutrients used in the largest amounts (95-98%) are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O)”[Conrandin, 2012]; taken in as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).  Macronutrients essential for maintaining life include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (C), and magnesium (Mg). There are also several micronutrients essential for human consumption; some being boron (Bh), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) [Conrandin, 2012]. All of these nutrients go through specific cycles that have an effect on ecosystems.   

The basic nutrient cycle shown below, illustrates how these nutrients move from the physical world into the living world and return to the physical world. Nutrient cycles have “self regulating mechanisms” (Borman & Likens, 1967) to keep ecosystems in balance.

All nutrient cycles involve delicate and complex interactions. Looking closely at one in particular, the nitrogen (N) cycle, will reveal the many processes involved in these cycles. Nitrogen (N) cycling has three principle stages; ammonification, nitrification and assimilation (Thinkquest, 2012).  

Ammonification is the process that occurs when bacteria decompose dead organic matter, using the nitrogen (N) to create amino acids and proteins. The excess nitrogen (N) is released as ammonium (NH4) for plant uptake. Nitrification occurs when bacteria oxidize the ammonia (NH3), producing energy that is used to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into nitrites (NO2), hydrogen (H), and water (H2O). The nitrites (NO2) are then converted into non toxic nitrates (N04) which result in plant absorption. The assimilation of inorganic nitrogen (N) [ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO2)] into organic compounds (i.e. protein, amino acid and nucleic acids) “is one of the most important processes on earth” (Thinkquest, 2012).

Particular ecosystems function at different equilibrium states and different scales; maintaining different levels of nutrient cycling and exchanges (The Sustainable Scale Project, 2012).  Therefore, examining the nitrogen (N) cycle within a specific ecosystem (freshwater wetlands); will give a concise account of this biogeochemical process. Wetlands can be found in most climates all over the world and have a “unique role in regulating global biogeochemical cycles” (Reddy & DeLuane, 2008, p. 1). Wetlands sustain biota in many forms and provide services as living filters for pollutants from terrestrial runoff and the atmosphere. The biodegradation of organic compounds; nutrient cycling; atmospheric exchange; processing capacities and plant response are all controlled by the biogeochemical processes that occur in wetland ecosystems. These wetland processes have a global effect on warming trends, carbon sequestration and water quality (Reddy & DeLuane, 2008).

The nitrogen (N) cycle in freshwater wetlands plays a very important role in regulating the overall health of the entire ecosystem. “In general, larger amounts of nitrogen (N) cycle within freshwater wetlands than flow in or out” (Bowden, 2008 p.313). Nitrogen (N) is present in both biotic and abiotic transformations. It occurs naturally, as well as being introduced by anthropogenic activity. Several factors control nitrogen cycling in wetlands; water flow (hydrology), climate, landmass and vegetation. Hydrology and climate are the main variables in nitrogen (N) cycling (Bowden, 2008). The figure below illustrates nitrogen (N) cycling in a wetland ecosystem.

The highest concentration of nitrogen (N) in wetlands occurs in sediment. Plant production and plant decomposition determine the amounts of nitrogen (N) present in the system (Bowden, 2008). The organic nitrogen (N) is uploaded by plants. Inorganic nitrogen (N) is prevalent in the form of ammonium (NH4). Because the sediment is in an aquatic environment, denitrification occurs (i.e.  nitrogen (N) is metabolized and turned into gas for energy generation). Consumers also distribute the nitrogen (N) by ingesting the plants; thereby becoming nitrogen (N) transporters (Bowden, 2008). Nitrogen (N) is also added back into the system through a process called nitrogen fixation (i.e. nitrogen (N) gas is reduced to ammonium [NH4]), making it available to form organic nitrogen (N) and is assimilated by plant cells [Thinkquest, 2010]).

When human induced factors begin to alter these natural cycles, an imbalance of nutrients occurs; ecosystems lose their ability to self regulate. This can have devastating consequences on the entire ecosystem and to human health


Beldin, S. & Perakis, S., 2009. Unearthing Secrets of the Forest. [online] USGS Fact Sheet 2009-3078. Available at:  http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2009/3078/

Conrandin, K. n.d.. The Nutrient Cycle. [online] Available at: http://www.sswm.info/category/cpmcept/nutrient-cycle

Bowden, William B., 1987. The Biogeochemistry of Nitrogen in Freshwater Wetlands. Biogeochemistry, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 313-338. 

Reddy, K.R. & DeLuane, R.D., 2008. Biogeochemistry of Wetlands: Science and Applications. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.

Sustainable Scale Project, 2003 . Ecosystem Function and Services. [online] Available at: http://www.sustainablescale.org/ConceptualFramework/UnderstandingScale/BasicConcepts/EcosystemFunctionsServices.aspx

Thinkquest, n.d.. Nutrient Cycles. [online] Available at: http://library.thinkquest.org/C007506/cycles.html .

 USDA, NRCS & NSTA, 2010. Nutrient cycle. [illustration] Available at: http://www.sswm.info/category/concept/nutrient-cycle

(This post is an excerpt  from one of my papers (Edinburgh Univ). If you need to cite it, email me for a complete citation).

Monday, March 11, 2013

Smell ya later…

Female butterflies use smell to avoid inbred males

Just like in humans, when an animal breeds with a relative, their offspring will most likely have genetic disorders. Inbred males are weaker, less able to provide for their families and have lower defense mechanisms. How does a female butterfly know if a male is inbred? “New research reveals that inbred male butterflies produce significantly less sex pheromones, making them less attractive to females” (SD, 2012).

 All of the characteristics used by males to attract a mate are diminished by being inbred. For example, males exhibit less color, song or acoustic abilities when they are inbred. The significance of this relates to species survival. If a female mates with an infertile male, she will not produce any offspring, eventually leading to extinction in small isolated populations.

Butterflies are very important to the environment. They are good pollinators and their larvae are an important part of the food chain (Desert museum, 2013). Read more about butterflies here.

To read the complete study on butterfly pheromones, please see the reference below. 

SD (Science Daily), 2013. Females Butterflies Can Smell If a Male Butterfly Is Inbred. Online. Available at:
E. van Bergen, P. M. Brakefield, S. Heuskin, B. J. Zwaan, C. M. Nieberding. The scent of inbreeding: a male sex pheromone betrays inbred males. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2013; 280 (1758): 20130102 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.0102 


Monday, March 4, 2013

What if animals eat fast food


Saw this and thought it was a great statement about humans, obesity and over consumption. 
Excellent animation skills as well!