Friday, November 21, 2014

Behind the scenes of Dolphin Research

The field work has ended this season and now the Taras Oceanographic Foundation (and the Palm Beach Dolphin Project), assisted by the library outreach science team, are spending time catching up on the photo ID work; that is cataloged after every survey. Trips will resume regularly around April, so for now here is a look at  some of our Photo ID work and a few steps involved. Please follow the links and support wild dolphin research. Locals who want to get involved be sure to watch for updates on the link above for when the monthly dolphin club meetings will resume. Come by the library and meet the team and learn about dolphins.

all dolphin images Taras Oceanographic
NMFS (GA LOC) No. 13386

Don't forget the library has several online resources for students. You can always visit searchwise from the library home page and look up topics on cetacean biology OR any other topics that interest you!